Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Role of Knexions @Midpark Church

Knexions is church! After the Day of Pentecost thousands of people placed their faith in Jesus and a plan unfolded where God’s ideal began to take shape. The new believers gathered in two venues one being the Temple where large crowds could join to celebrate their new found faith and the other was going from house to house to participate in teaching, praying, taking communion, and building relationships with one another. 
The Temple meetings were for expression of worship and hearing motivating messages that encourage the heart. The house meetings were for fulfilling what Jesus came to accomplish which was to bring people together around faith. Along with the elements mentioned above the house meetings also became a place where faith was shared and expressed by good works. Good works were taking care of the poor, hurting, marginalized, sick, etc. 
So this is a small picture of what a biblically functioning and healthy church is. It is one that meets for Celebration and gathers in small groups to grow, build relationships, and share the Good News. Midpark through Knexions Groups (through you!) makes it possible for us to be that biblically functioning and healthy church. 
Your place in the big picture God has is vital. That weekly meeting you HOST whether it be an outdoor adventure group, prayer group, Bible study, support group, etc is God’s dream unfolding in you and for those who are part of your group. Midpark serves 65-70 Knexions Groups each semester.
Imagine one day hundreds of such groups with hundreds of HOSTs operating out of Midpark and thousands of people in those groups benefiting from the relationships, Bible teaching, prayer, and genuine community building. Also imagine people who do not know Jesus being befriended by others and coming into Knexions Groups where strong relationships are developed and opportunities to come to Jesus are created. We get to do this!

Join One-Start One! Today or visit

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Workplace Influence

By Michael Steward

30 Ways To Bless Your Workplace
A few weeks ago I posted some very practical ideas for engaging your neighborhood with the Gospel. To follow that up I have compiled 30 ideas for engaging people in your workplace. The workplace is an everyday context where many people spend the majority of their time. It is important for us to know what it looks like to bring gospel intentionality to our jobs. Hopefully this will help spark a few ideas for connecting with and blessing your coworkers.

1. Instead of eating lunch alone, intentionally eat with other co-workers and learn their story.

2. Get to work early so you can spend some time praying for your co-workers and the day ahead.

3. Make it a daily priority to speak or write encouragement when someone does good work.

4. Bring extra snacks when you make your lunch to give away to others.

5. Bring breakfast (donuts, burritos, cereal, etc.) once a month for everyone in your department.

6. Organize a running/walking group in the before or after work.

7. Have your missional community/small group bring lunch to your workplace once a month.

8. Create a regular time to invite coworkers over or out for drinks.

9. Make a list of your co-workers birthdays and find a way to bless everyone on their birthday.

10. Organize and throw office parties as appropriate to your job.

11. Make every effort to avoid gossip in the office. Be a voice of thanksgiving not complaining.

12. Find others that live near you and create a car pool.

13. Offer to throw a shower for a co-worker who is having a baby.

14. Offer to cover for a co-worker who needs off for something.

15. Start a regular lunch out with co-workers (don’t be selective on the invites).

16. Organize a weekly/monthly pot luck to make lunch a bit more exciting.

17. Ask someone who others typically ignore if you can grab them a soda/coffee while you’re out.

18. Be the first person to greet and welcome new people.

19. Make every effort to know the names of co-workers and clients along with their families.

20. Visit coworkers when they are in the hospital.

21. Bring sodas or work appropriate drinks to keep in your break room for coworkers to enjoy. Know what your co-workers like.

22. Go out of your way to talk to your janitors and cleaning people who most people overlook.

23. Find out your co-workers favorite music and make a playlist that includes as much as you can (if suitable for work).

24. Invite your co-workers in to the service projects you are already involved in.

25. Start/join a city league team with your co-workers.

26. Organize a weekly co-working group for local entrepreneurs at a local coffee shop.

27. Start a small business that will bless your community and create space for mission.

28. Work hard to reconcile co-workers who are fighting with one another.

29. Keep small candy, gum, or little snacks around to offer to others during a long day.

30. Lead the charge in organizing others to help co-workers in need.

Would love to hear other ways you have connected with the people you work with.

These are very practical ideas for what to do but we also need to consider how and why we do it. Here is a helpful sermon from Jonathan Dodson on this subject - LINK: EXISTING TO WORK
1 week ago